And yes, the taste is so different using freshly ground pepper, in contrast to the store-purchased pre-ground pepper. By a country mile.
I saw this beauty on sale, marked down not once, not twice, but thrice. Even then, I wasn't sure I should buy it. After all, though cooking well is still a high priority, being frugal is, well, a must. In the end, I gave in to the whispers of the Peugeot Olivier Roellinger Pepper Mill, yesterday. And, thrice, with utter thrill and excitement, it has been used today. Got a bit too carried away one of those times today. Used in a egg and tomato stir fry this morning. Used it when making pesto this afternoon. Followed by making hot and sour soup. Wow, way too much of the black peppercorns and white peppercorns for that soup; set my mouth and face on FIRE. Still could appreciate the complex flavors of the freshly ground pepper, however.