Friday, June 25, 2010

Boiled Eggs Bathing in Deliciousness

Eggs Having Bathed in Deliciousness

This is the last dish in a series of Taiwanese dishes. Taiwanese (or in my case, Taiwanese Americans) love consuming this dish.

I've got a HUGE disclaimer to make before I start. The soupy thing that has a jello-y texture is not of my doing. It's my mom's concoction. I'm posting this to brag about the deliciousness of the final product and, more importantly, to brag about my mom's cooking. I've spoken highly of my dad's cooking; now it's my mom's turn. You see, I grew up with two chef's in the house. My dad, due to practical reasons, ended up being the everyday chef, who taught my sister and me many essentials of cooking. My mom attacked some of the more complicated - time and labor intensive - Taiwanese cuisine. All this is to say, both parents taught us different but significant cooking concepts, ideas, skills.

The soupy thing pictured below is more than a mere beef broth, as you can probably see. It started as water, cooking meat for hours, hours, and hours. It also has a generous amount of soy sauce. The meat was later removed. Then, I allowed the fat to separate from the rest; refrigeration actually wasn't necessary for that process. I skimmed the fat off and then brought the stuff back to a boil.

Eggs. Lots of eggs. This batch around, I used 18 eggs. Boiled 18 eggs in water for six minutes. For those who are inexperienced with boiling eggs, do NOT wait until the water is boiling to drop in the eggs. Put the eggs in water whilst the water is at room temperature. Do not turn the stove on high (if the eggs are immediately coming out of the refrigerator); that could crack the egg shell before it's finished boiling.

Peel the egg shells off the eggs once the eggs are done cooking. The fresher the eggs, the more difficult it is to peel the eggs.

I even used my mom's suggestion of adding salt, after the eggs are done cooking and the eggs are resting in cold water, to the water. That helped when we were peeling white eggs (that, I guess, were older) but not with the brown eggs. Still, the finished product was ever tasty.

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