Friday, June 25, 2010

Simply Shrimp


Simply Shrimp

Simply put, I pan fried a finely sliced red onion until it started turning transparent. Then I dropped in frozen, raw shrimp into the pan. When the shrimp was almost done, I added some sea salt and red pepper flakes. Careful not to overcook the shrimp, as that shrinks the shrimp and makes it somewhat rubbery.

I had this to eat over rice, along with some Swiss chard and pickled kohlrabi.

Here's the somewhat more picturesque version of the recipe:


Uncooked easy peel shrimp of the large variety. Six of them.

A small red onion.

Olive oil. Just a tid bit.

Sea salt. Again, just a bit.

Red pepper flakes. A few shakes.


Cut the red onion finely.

Then cut in half in the perpendicular direction.

The six shrimp up on the chopping block (to be cooked).

Place the cut onion into a pan with just a tad of olive oil.

Separate the onion into its individual pieces and fry until somewhat transparent.

Then add in the shrimp. Cook the shrimp just until it turns orange. Don't overcook this.

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